„How You Can Find Your True Calling“ – Meetup for Female Office Workers

28. September 2016 um 19:00 – 20:30
Restaurant Schwan Pempelfort
Sternstrasse 50 / Ecke Duisburger Strasse
40479 Duesseldorf
5,00 Euro
Rebecca Awe
01575 255 0102
"How You Can Find Your True Calling" - Meetup for Female Office Workers @ Restaurant Schwan Pempelfort


if you are currently struggling with your career or if you have ever wondered which job would make you feel finally fullfilled and alive, this workshop is a great way to explore these questions in a group setting.

Especially for us women this issue is not as clearcut as for most men, therefore I think it would be great if we combine our female energies and discuss what would make our individual lifes truly satisfied and happy and how we can get there. By the end of the workshop you will have developed some action steps.

We will also do some writing excercises, therefore please bring pen and paper!